ICD-10 CODE: R00.0 – Tachycardia, Unspecified

 ICD-10 CODE: R00.0 – Tachycardia, Unspecified


 ­ICD-10 R00.0 a valid ICD-10 code used for healthcare diagnosis payment of Tachycardia, Unspecified. Its corresponding ICD-9 Code 427.0.


Valid Code: Yes


ICD-9 Code Transition 427.0

Code  R00.0  is the diagnosis code used for Heart Disease. Tachycardia is a both stable, and unstable. A heart rate in adults that is greater than 100 beats per minute is technically defined as tachycardia. Now many things can cause tachycardia like fever, shock, medications, stress, metabolic dysfunction, or damage to the heart muscle and hypoxemia


Perfusion problems may develop when the heart beats too fast and the ventricles are not able to fully fill with blood, which is technically called ejection fraction compromise due to the lack of pre-load before the heart fully contracts. Now this can cause a decrease in cardiac output, poor perfusion and hemodynamic instability.

It’s important to quickly assess the patient's signs and symptoms and see if they are a result of the tachycardia.




  1. Sensation of a racing, pounding heartbeat or flopping in the chest (palpitations)
  2. Chest pain
  3. Fainting (syncope)
  4. Lightheadedness
  5. Rapid pulse rate
  6. Shortness of breath


Prevention: -


  1. Eat a healthy diet.
  2. Exercise regularly.
  3. Maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Keep blood pressure and cholesterol levels under control.
  5. Stop smoking.
  6. Drink in moderation.
  7. Don't use illegal drugs or stimulants, such as cocaine.
  8. Use medications with caution.
  9. Limit caffeine.
  10. Manage stress.
  11. Go to scheduled checkups.

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