Medical Coder Interview Questions for Freshers 2022
Medical Coder Interview Questions For Freshers 2022
Those who apply for Medical Coding job must make sure about Medical coder interview questions so that they can easily answer for those questions. In this post we going to tell about basic questions which will asked in Medical coder interview.
A Fresher is asked a lot of basic questions to assess their expertise and decide the level of training necessary. You should be able to answer these questions without having to think about them too much.
1. Did you take an anatomy and physiology course in school?
Answer: I took a course on anatomy and physiology when I was a student in
2. What coding certifications do you have?
Answer: I have completed my Certified Professional Coder course (CPC) and plan
to become a Certified Outpatient Coder (COC) soon.
What is the difference between ICD and CPT coding?
Sample Answer: The ICD is a globally recognized international coding system designed by the WHO for diagnosing and describing medical conditions. While, we use the CPT or Current Procedural Terminology coding for reporting medical services and procedures such as diagnostic, laboratory, radiology, and surgery. CPT describes the procedures and medical services done by the physician or medical practitioner.
4. What is A “J” code in medical billing?
Sample Answer: J code is a part of the HPCS Code set. The codes correspond to non-orally administered medication and chemotherapy drugs. J-Codes are usually used for HPCS Level II Code.
What is meant by epistaxis? and What is ICD-10 CM?
Sample Answer: Epistaxis is the loss of blood from the tissues that line the nose. The ICD10 is the 10th revision of the International Statistical classification and related health problems. The code provides a common code to report and monitor diseases.
What is the difference between ICD9 and ICD10?
Sample Answer: The main difference between ICD9 and ICD10 is that ICD-9 has 5 characters while ICD10 covers 7 characters. ICD 10 has laterality that ICD9 lacks.
What is your opinion about undertaking continuous training opportunities?
Sample Answer: The healthcare system is dynamic with new procedures, diseases, treatment coming. The trends in medicine keep changing. It is important to keep an important mind to these changes.
What is your 5-year plan?
Sample Answer: I plan to become a senior coder in the next 5 years. I also plan to complete my Certified Professional Coder-Payer (CPC-P)certification.
How many charts can you code per hour?
Sample Answer: I can code 2 charts per hour.
Why did you choose this career?
Sample Answer: A medical coder provides us with a great opportunity to work in health care without the physical demand of many health care professionals.
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