AR Caller and Billing Associates Job (Hyderabad, Madhapur)

 AR Caller and Billing Associates Job (Hyderabad, Madhapur)

AR Caller and Billing Associates Job opening at ORBYSOL SYSTEMS PVT LTD (Hyderabad, Madhapur)for AR Caller and Medical Billing Associates Interested and eligible candidates can directly walk-in for Interview in the address 101, 1st Floor, Krish Sapphire, Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500081, India.  Jobs Opportunity in ORBYSOL SYSTEMS PVT LTD.


ORBYSOL SYSTEMS PVT LTD is a fast growing health care organization delivers high quality healthcare revenue cycle services by strictly adhering to industry guidelines, resulting in minimal denials and faster payment.

Job Details:
  2. Job Location: Hyderabad( Madhapur )
  3. Post Name: AR Caller and Medical Billing Associates
  4. No of Vacancy: 10
  5. Pay Scale: 2,00,000 - 5,00,000 P.A.
Eligibility Criteria:

Nationality: Indian
Educational Qualification: Graduation in any discipline

Responsibilities and Duties:

Medical Billing Associates:
  1. Work in Demographic entry and charge entry.
  2. work in Payment posting.
  3. Demonstrate increasing productivity to meet requirements while maintaining quality standards.
  4. Must Audit the demographic registration and charge entry.
  5. Ensuring mandatory fields are filled to process a claim and processing clearing house rejections.
AR Callers:
  1. Should Analyse outstanding claims and initiates collection efforts as per the aging. report to get claims reimbursed. Undertaking denial follows up and appealing. 

How to Apply: Direct Interview (Walk in time : Monday to Friday 04:00 pm to 07:00 pm)

AR Callers should be flexible with night shift timings (06:00 pm to 03:00 am).
Medical Billing Associates - Day shift (08.30 am to 05.30 pm).

Interview Address:

Address101, 1st Floor, Krish Sapphire,
Madhapur, Hyderabad, Telangana - 500081,India

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